Monday, April 26, 2004

J'aime Orvieto, Italy

From Rome I travelled to Orvieto, an altogether delightful place. I arrived by train and took a taxi to my hotel, the charming Hotel Palazzo Piccolomini. You must check out their web site, as I failed to take any photographs, due mainly to my awe the gorgeousness that surrounded me. I did manage to take one photo from the window of my small but comfortable room:

I immediately immersed myself in the city, strolling first to the town's central square:

A somewhat rundown-looking church sits on this square, but its interior surprised me:

I passed this flower vendor:

And some interesting architectural details:

Until I caught my breath upon seeing this vision ahead:

I realized it was no illusion, despite the somewhat misty appearance, as I drew closer:

Not only are those spires stunning, but the exterior is quite unusual as well:

I stepped inside and liked what I saw:

I left the cool and echoing church and returned to the square:

Where I spied this place that looked like a perfect stop for lunch:

And it was . . .

. . . there is nothing quite like the taste of a cold Italian wine on a warm day, contrasted with a lovely pasta mixed with duck. I met some nice Englishers on holiday over lunch . . . we had an enjoyable visit and I helped them with their photos.

After whiling away a relaxing lunch hour, I explored the remainder of the square, dodging school children here and there, until I found this quiet spot a few hundred yards away:

I thought the contemplative look of this man was just as interesting as the view:

More later on my walk through Orvieto . . .


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