Saturday, May 01, 2004

Rome, by all means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory as long as I live.

I was in Europe and had just broken up with someone. Although I loved the trip as a whole, I was still feeling blue about the breakup and other changes in my life . . . I was worried I would not find a way to enjoy the loveliness that is Rome, but vowed that I would make my last day there a wonderful one. So, I emerged from the schlumpy jeans I had donned for the train ride from Florence, showered, slipped into my flirty black dress, velvety wrap, beautiful shoes and some makeup, and emerged into the gorgeousness that is Rome on a spring day, looking different enough to cause the hotel desk clerk to do a complete double take!

I began my day with a quick dip into an internet cafe, where I thought I would find sustenance in the form of a nice email from a friend at home (and, I will admit, where I was hoping to find an apologetic note from the now ex-, with whom I had had an argument the previous evening). I did find the supportive email from a friend, although not the apologetic communicae for which I had hoped. I also met an adorable and tall Dutch guy who was seated at the neighboring computer and seeking a distraction during his business trip. He invited me to coffee, accompanied me to the small and exclusive museum for which I had tickets, strolled with me through the gardens near the museum, then the city and shared dinner with me at a lovely neighborhood bistro near the Spanish Steps. We ended our evening with a drink shared at a small place near the train station. It was a perfect day, splendid for many reasons.

I love the memory of this day most because it reminds me that my spirit will always find what it needs when it is most needed, and that just when things appear the most bleak, a wonderful and unexpected surprise can drop into one's life. This day was also beautiful to me for its in-the-moment nature . . . I had no expectation of ever seeing this guy again, but to bond in such a way for one lovely day in such an unexpected way was a precious gift that I will always remember.


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