Sunday, April 10, 2005

Loving Dallas . . . an increasingly rare experience.

This weekend, I didn't travel far . . . I just spent time in and around my home in Dallas, Texas. I visited the Dallas Farmer's Market, one of my favorite things to do because they have . . .

Cool plants:

Corn husks juxtaposed against a city skyline:

Vegetable sellers who are quite serious:

and colorful trucks!

I also want to write about my house, because I love it so and spent some time this weekend sprucing it up.

I love that every time I come home, two of the sweetest dogs in the world greet me. Sometimes, they peer at me from my second-story porch, poking their noses between the spindles of the porch railing, eagerly anticipating my arrival with noises that sound something like, "She's here! It's about time!." At other times, I can hear them on the other side of the tall wooden gate to the back yard; if I look carefully, I can catch a glimpse of my pups in the little crack between the gate and the fence. Regardless of where my dogs are waiting for me, I always call out to them with, "Hi, sweeties!" It's my way of letting them know I am home. Only sometimes do I think about how it would be nice to repeat the greeting for a man who is waiting for me when I enter my home.

Once I have stepped inside, I revel in the smooth feeling of my wood floor on my bare feet. I love the magically relaxed feeling of my porch. Sometimes I keep flowers alive:

Sometimes I witness spectacular sunsets:

At other times, I see that my dog Kip shares my politics:

Or see Orley and Kip showing off their new collars:


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